Vision (what we aspire to)

Be the leading organization for international exhibition exchange.

Mission (what we do)

To work with members and other organizations in developing a global forum for the exchange of ideas and
experiences related to the circulation and exchange of exhibitions in all disciplines.

2019-2022 ICEE Strategic Goals

1. Provide a multicultural and multidisciplinary platform/forum for discussion of relevant topics related
to exhibition exchange.
2. Foster strategic partnerships and collaborations.
3. Build leadership capacity.
4. Maintain effective communication channels with ICEE members.

1. Provide an Inspiring, Open and Accessible Platform/Forum for Discussion of Relevant Topics
Related to Exhibition Exchange.

Key Actions

• Host an annual ICEE Conference which provides a multicultural and multidisciplinary platform for
discussion and exchange for members
• Partner with ICOM national and international committees, regional alliances and museums
associations worldwide to maximize networking opportunities at ICEE and other ICOM conferences
• Promote relevant non-ICEE conferences to ICEE members


– Maintain high level of satisfaction with ICEE conference
– Percentage of conference delegates that are likely/highly likely to recommend the ICEE conference to
their networks.

2. Foster Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations.

Key Actions

• Identify opportunities to strengthen current partnerships and to develop new collaborations within the
ICOM community
• Identify key stakeholders to explore possible partnerships and collaborations outside of the ICOM community
• Strengthen ICEE’s capacity to reach its strategic goals through sponsorships and corporate alliances.


– Number of new individual and institutional members
– Number of new partnerships established with ICOMS’s national, international committees, regional
alliances, and affiliated organization; and partnership agreements with museums, national museum
associations, exhibition exchange platforms and other like-minded organizations.
– Amount of funds raised through sponsorships and donations.

3. Maintain Effective Communication Channels with ICEE Members.

Key Actions

• Develop targeted membership drives in underrepresented regions, i.e. Africa, Latin America,
Caribbean, and Arab States
• Continue delivering a monthly newsletter
• Maintain a strong online presence through the ICEE website and continued use of social media


– % of new members in Africa, Latin America, Caribbean and Arab States
– Number of “click throughs” for newsletter
– Number of recipients for newsletter
– Number of social media interactions (i.e. Likes, Shares, re-Tweets)

4. Build Leadership Capacity.

Key Actions

• Continue webinar program that provides a platform for discussion and innovative thinking relevant to
ICEE members
• Implement volunteer opportunities and internship programs
• Promote ICOM, and other, professional and institutional development programs available to ICEE


– Number of webinars/participants
– Number of volunteer and internship activities successfully implemented